• Early settlers of Brockville, now Fremont, met in various homes, barns, and the old school house. The first class of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Fremont was organized in 1841 and was part of the Angola Circuit. Rev. Elijah Blue was the first pastor.  Among the first leading members of the original class were Mr Azariah Masters, Mrs. Johanna Masters, and Miss Delilah Masters.
  • In 1844 the frame of the first Methodist church was raised. It was completed in 1851 by Joshua Stephens, the pulpit and seats all being made by hand.  He was paid in almost everything but cash. He took wood, honey, a quarter of venison, etc.  It is said the swine found a cool retreat in the hot summer months under the church until the foundation was completed in 1859. The Sunday School was organized in 1857.
  • On December 10, 1871, the English and German Methodists (Evangelicals) met to consider building a church to be used by both. Subscriptions were raised and the cornerstone was laid on July 7, 1872. The building was dedicated in 1873 by Rev. Marine. The two churches worshipped in this building which stood on the corner of Bell and W. North Streets until 1880.  The brick house which stands on this corner today was built with the brick from the church which was torn down, and the house was once occupied by Clifton and Bertha McNaughton. Subscriptions were again taken to erect a brick building on this present day site. New seats replaced the chairs in 1881. The tower and bell were added at a cost of $2,500 which completed the church in 1884.
  • In 1910 the brick church was condemned and Rev. Dougherty supervised the building of a new frame church which was called the First Methodist Episcopal Church. On Saturday, March 22, 1930, this building burned. Our present brick building was built during the next six months and dedicated on September 21, 1930. Rev. Homer Kirk was the minister, Rush Hughes was the choir director, and the pianist was Mrs. Clyde (Una) Barry, Roger Barry’s great grandmother. The baptismal font was donated by Eunice Noyes. In 1992 the fellowship hall, office areas, restrooms, and narthex were added. Five large stained glass windows were donated for the front of the new addition, a gift from the 1st National Bank of Fremont. 

history of fremont united methodist church

adult ​Sunday school 9:30 AM - sunday service 10:30 am

Fremont United Methodist Church